Many new webmasters always complain that no or only a little traffic is brought to their sites even they have added enough related keywords in the title, description, and contents. Why do things go this way and how to choose SEO keywords in a correctly? Keep reading and hopefully, you can find the best to choose seo keywords

The balance between Target Keywords and Long Tail Keywords

First, let’s be clear about what’re target keywords and what’re long tail keywords?

A target keyword, just as its name tells us, are the type of keywords most related to your website’s contents or the product you are selling. For example, if you made a video editor and want to promote this product via a tutorial article/page on your site, then, “video editor” is the keyword which your product exactly is. Generally speaking, a long tail keyword is a phrase usually made up of several individual words with the target keyword included(not always). Let still take the video editor for example. Since “video editor” is the target keyword of the product’s tutorial, phrases like “what is the best video editor” and “how to edit a video” can be the long tail keywords which customers are likely to type in Google when they want to learn something about video editing.

Where to Put Target Keywords and Long Tail Keywords

Q: How to choose keywords for SEO?

Normally, in the title and description of your article, there should be at least one long tail keyword with a target keyword involved which makes it much easier for Google spider to fetch once it lands on the page. Make sure to put the long tail keywords with the target keyword at the beginning of the title and description which can be confirmed to be important by Google. In the main body of the article. Remember that there must be at least one target keyword respectively in the first paragraph and the last paragraph. If possible, to make them noticeable to Google, bold both of them.

In the middle parts of your article, target keywords and long tail keywords should be set at proper intervals in terms of my own experience. Normally, 5 keywords are enough for a 600-character-long article.

The Best SEO Keyword Search Tool

If you are still wondering how to choose the best keywords for SEO and can’t find a tool which suits your need, then KWFinder should be the easiest tool for beginners like you. It gives you the exact number of users who type in a certain word on Google Search Engine per month. Now, let’s have a look at how to get the most out of it.

Step 1

Open KWFinder, sign up and login in.

Step 2 

Click on “Go to the app” on the upper right.

kwfinder guide

Step 3

In the opened page, click on “Import”. Now, you can input the keywords you want to check in bulk with commas to set them apart. Click on “Import to KWFinder” to get the result.

kwfinder guide 2

Step 4

The result will be listed on the left. Under the “Search” tag, you can see the number of users who ever searched the corresponding keyword that month. On the right of the page, you can find a circle which tells you the difficulty for you to rank your site/or page up by making use of those keywords. In most cases, a keyword of around 1000 searches per month results best and it doesn’t suffer from a fierce competition either.

kwfinder 3

Tips: KWFinder only allows its free users to search 5 times per day. So, make sure to import as many keywords as you can every time you start a search. If you have several VPNs, you can try the trick by changing both your IP and KWFinder ID for more times’ of use.

Now, after reading the whole tutorial, I firmly believe that you have already know how to choose SEO keywords in the best way!

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