
If you find the Chrunos team has been doing a great job and want to support us, you can use the PayPal link below to buy us a beer or something. We all hate ads, so we have decided not to show ads on our website.

We try hard to provide you with useful tools and guides. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can always find us on social media channels or send us an email. You can find all the contact info on the Contact Page. We are always there for you.

We have created and shared some useful shortcuts, at least we think they are. We keep updating them when we find ways to improve. Some of them actually have server costs. Any donation will be appreciated.

If you send us 20 USD, you will get all Premium Shortcuts including Shazam to MP3, Spotify to MP3 HQ, Qobuz Downloader, etc. We will soon release premium content.

Buy us a beer:

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