Recently, I made an iPhone Video Mockup shortcut that allows you to add an iPhone bezel frame to multiple videos in one tap. Most video editors can help you create iPhone video mockup, but requires a lot of steps. My shortcut automates the process and you  can use it on your iPhone or Mac. 

iPhone Video Mockup Shortcut for iOS

The shortcut works by overlaying an iPhone 15 Pro Max bezel onto the video. It will first adjust the input video size to ensure a perfect fit every time. I made it on my iPhone XR and it works perfectly. 

To use the shortcut, you need to download the A-Shell or A-Shell Mini app from App Store. It is a free terminal emulator app for iPhone and iPad that allows you to run commands and scripts. You just need to install the app and the shortcut will do its job. 

When you run it from the Shortcuts app, it will ask you to select videos from your Photos app. If you select multiple videos, it will add the iPhone bezel to all of them one by one and save them to your Photos app.

It is available available in Share Sheet. That is to say, you can select one or more videos from other apps and tap Share button to select the shortcut to add iPhone bezel.

Change the Color of the iPhone Bezel and Others

 The shortcut use the natural color for iPhone bezel frame and black as the background color. If you want to change the color, you can first download the iPhone bezel from Apple. Then convert your preferred bezel PNG file to base64 code text and copy it to the shortcut.

If you also want to change the model of iPhone, you should also know the video size for that model. For example, iPhone 15 Pro Max has a video size of 1290×2796. You can locate the text action that contains “scale=1290:2796” in the shortcut and replace size with your video size.

If you need our team to customize the shortcut for you, please join our Premium Plan. You can get personalized shortcuts and a few exclusive shortcuts from our team.

iPhone Mockup Shortcut for Mac

I have also made a mockup shortcut for Mac. You should install FFmpeg in Mac for it to work. After that, you can run the shortcut and select a video from your Mac. It is also avaliable in Quick Actions. 

To run it from Quick Actions, select some videos from the Finder app. Then right click on the selected video and select Quick Actions > iPhone Mockup Shortcut.

Somehow, the Mac version cannot decide if the video is landscape or portrait mode. Namely, this version only works for portrait mode videos. I will update this shortcut to fix it when I find a solution. If you have any suggestion, please leave a comment down below.

Commands Used in the Shortcut

To better help you customize the shortcut, I will explain the commands used in the shortcut. If you don’t have an iPhone or Mac, you can also run 3 FFmpeg commands to add an iPhone Bezal frame to your video. 

As mentioned, I use a video recorded on my iPhone XR and the bezel image is for iPhone 15, so I need to resize the video. 

ffmpeg -y -i input_video.mp4 -vf "scale=1290:2796" resized_video.mp4

Add a white border to the video for the iPhone 15 bezel image to be positioned.

ffmpeg -i resized_video.mp4 -vf "pad=width=iw+120:height=ih+120:x=60:y=60:color=white" white_frame_video.mp4

The final step, overlay the bezel frame to the video. 

ffmpeg -i white_frame_video.mp4 -i bezel_frame1.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]overlay=(W-w)/2:(H-h)/2" final_output_video.mp4


The iPhone Video Mockup shortcut simplifies the editing process, and provides a unique way to showcase the latest in Apple’s smartphone design. I will continue to make new shortcuts for my other projects. If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments below. 

In the meantime, you can check other useful shortcuts that I made. 

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