Some private channels have disabled downloading and restricted saving content. You can still download videos from private Telegram channels with the right tools or methods. Whether you’re on your smartphone or computer, here are five effective techniques to help you easily save images, GIFs, videos, and voice messages.
Telegram Downloader Chrome Extension
To download Telegram media on computer, the most convenient method would be using a Chrome extension, TG Downloader – Telegram Video Download. This extension will display a download button below each Telegram video or audio on Telegram Web app.
Firstly, open the Telegram Web app in your Chrome browser. If you haven’t log in, use your Telegram mobile app to scan the QR code to log in.
Secondly, install the TG Downloader extension. There are probably other extensions also work. You can choose the one you like.
Finally, go to the private Telegram channel and locate the video or audio that you want to download. You will see a Download button below it, just click on it. Then the Telegram content will be saved to your browser’s default download folder.
What’s more, this TG Downloader extension allows you to select multiple items for batch download by clicking the extension icon. It supports downloading videos/pictures/photos/GIFs/music/audiobooks.
However, free users can only download 3 items daily while subscribers have unlimited daily usage quota. You can check the next method if you need to download more items from Telegram private channel for free.
Telegram Downloader Script
Tampermonkey is a browser script manager extension or addon. You can add all kinds of scripts to enhance your browsering experience. This Telegram Web – Allow Saving Content script allows you to download unlimited media content from Telegram private or public channels and groups.
Step 1. Install Tampermonkey extension on your browser. It is available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.
Step 2. Add this Telegram Web – Allow Saving Content script. Make sure it is enable in Tampermonkey Dashboard.
Step 3. Go to Telegram web app and it will add a download option in right click menu for media content including video, voice, music, photo, and document.
Step 4. Right-click on the media that you want to download, and select Download to save the content on your computer. You can also select multiple messages for batch download.
This script also unlocks text selection, allowing Ctrl + C to copy it. If the downloaded file is without a file extension, you can manually add “.mp4” for video or “.ogg” for audio. With Tampermonkey installed, you may also want to check a few useful tampermonkey scripts that I recommend.
iPhone Telegram Downloader Shortcut
Your computer may not always be around, so I will also show you how to download Telegram videos from private channels on iPhone or Android devices. For iPhone and iPad users, I have made a Telegram Downloader shortcut. Let me show you how to use it step by step.
Step 1. Get this shortcut by click the button above on your Apple devices. Click Get Shortcut to import the shortcut to your device.
Step 2. Open Safari and go to Telegram web app. Log in if you haven’t.
Step 3. Go to the private channel and play the video that you want to download.
Step 4. Tap the Safari Share button and select Telegram Downloader shortcut from share sheet.
Step 5. You may receive an error, but ignore it. It will adds a download icon for the video. Just click on it.
Step 6. It will start downloading the video in the background without showing progress. Once done, it will prompt you to save the video.
Then you can open Files app to locate the video. If needed, you can tap share button to save the video to Photos. If the video is long, have patience. I will release a new version of the shortcut to show your progress while downloading, so stay tuned.
Save Private Telegram Videos to Android Gallery
Telegram for Android app allows you to download videos and audio from private channel natively, but you cann’t save it to Gallery. In that case, you just need a file manger app to locate the downloaded Telegram files.
When you play a video in Telegram private channel, it will start to download video. When it is fully loaded, you can use a file manager app like CX File Explorer to locate the file. It goes the same with audio files.
If you don’t know where to find it, you can go to “storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.telegram.messenger/files/Telegram/”. I can’t take a screenshot on Telegram private channel, so I show you the screenshot of the downloaded files in CX File Explorer.
You may try other File Manager apps that works. I prefer CX File Explorer because it can also access network share on Android.
Final Thoughts
I also tried the Save Restricted Content Telegram bot, but it is not responding. In addition, I don’t want to share my login info to this bot.These four methods offer safe solutions for downloading Telegram videos from private channels or groups across different platforms. You can choose the one that best fits your needs and device preferences.
If you found this article helpful, make sure to share it with others who might be looking for ways to save Telegram videos too!