You may like the music playing around you as you watch movies or walk on the street. Here, I will show you how to add the track to which you are listening to any Spotify playlist of your choice even without the Shazam app on iPhone or iPad.  

Shazam is a popular service that can identify the names and lyrics of the music that is playing. It allows you to connect Spotify and Apple Music. Since Apple has acquired  Shazam, it is quite easy to add Shazam identified tracks to Apple Music playlist, so I will talk about Spotify more. 

Connect Shazam to Spotify

Before I introduce my shortcut, let’s see how to connect Spotify within the Shazam app, because my shortcut requires a little setup process when trying it for the first time. 

You will need to download the Shazam app from AppStore or Google Play Store. Within the app,  swipe up to My Music from the main screen, tap the Settings button and then tap Connect next to the Spotify icon to connect to Spotify. 

Once connected to Spotify, Shazam will create a “My Shazam Tracks” playlist in Spotify with all your shazamed tracks. If you want to add the track that you are listening to one of your existing Spotify playlists of your choosing, keep reading to learn how.

Shazam to Spotify Playlist Shortcut

You may know that the Shortcuts app is for iOS automation. Thanks to the Spotify API, I have made a shortcut to identify the song playing around you and add it to any of your Spotify playlist or library. 

If you have never used the Shortcuts app, you can refer to this post to get started with Shortcuts quickly. The shortcut was made on iOS 14, and updated for iOS 17. You can refer to the video below to set it up.

Step 1. Download the Shazam to Spotify Playlist shortcut from Routinehub. 

Step 2. Go to Spotify Developer Dashboard and create an App. Set the redirect URL as the one in the shortcut.

Step 3. Copy your Spotify Client ID and Client Secret to the shortcut.

Step 4. Make sure there is music playing around you and run it for the first time. It will open a Safari web page and ask you to log in to your Spotify account. 

Step 5. After logging in, you will see the Spotify authorization code, just copy the entire code and tap Done. 

Step 6. Now you can select to Add the identified track to one of your playlists.

That’s it. The song that is playing has been added to your preferred Spotify playlist. You can also open the shortcut in Edit mode, and enter your preferred playlist ID according to the comments. This way, it will add the Shazam-ed track to that playlist without being prompted.

For Advanced Users

By default, this shortcut will only display 10 playlists if you have more. To change it, you can open the shortcut in Edit mode, scroll down to the “Add to Playlist” menu option, change the URL from “” to “”. You can change it to an even larger number accordingly. 

If you want to add the identified track to a certain playlist without choosing each time, you can edit it accordingly. Locate the URL action below the “Choose from Playlists” action and change the Chosen Item to your Spotify playlist ID in the URL action. After that, you can delete all the actions between “Choose from Playlists” and “Choose from Menu”. 

To made it simple, I have modified it for you. Alternatively, you can simply get this shortcut for add Shazam-ed tracks to a certain Spotify playlist of yours. 

Shazam to Apple Music

When you play around with the Shazam to Spotify shortcut, you can create your own Shazam to Apple Music shortcut. Since the Apple Music actions are supported natively in the Shortcuts app, it is quite easy. 

For iOS 17, you only need to add 3 actions to create a Shazam to Apple Music shortcut. You can refer to the video below to see how. In macOS 14, Apple has removed the Shazam action from Shortcuts.

Shazam to Multiple Music Platforms

In case you don’t have an Apple Music subscription, you should get this Quick Shazam shortcut. It allows you to open a song you Shazam on your favorite music platform. This shortcut supports Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, YouTube Music, Deezer, Pandora, Tidal, SoundCloud, Amazon Music, Napster, Yandex, Spinrilla, etc. 


Based on the music platform you use, you can choose the right shortcut for you to add Shazam music to your library. If you want to download Shazam music to MP3, you can check my Shazam Downloader shortcut for iPhone or Mac.

3 thoughts on “Shazam to Spotify Playlist or Apple Music [iOS Shortcuts]”
  1. Martin Ulyatt ,
    You should allow the shortcut to access your iCloud. This shortcut will create a text file contain your Spotify refresh token saved in iCloud/Shortcuts/Spotify/ folder, so you don’t have to log in when you run it for the second time.

  2. Hi.

    When I run Shazam to Spotify shortcut I receive a “the file doesn’t exist” error message.
    I’m tuning iOS 15.6.1

    Is there something additional to configure please?


  3. I am trying to modify the shortcut, following the instructions here, to add the track to a specific playlist but it’s not working.. The additional shortcut where I only need to provide my spotify playlist ID during set-up is also not working. Any help?
    P.S. I am copying the playlist ID from the link spotify is generating when sharing the playlist.

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