Some private channels have disabled downloading and restricted saving content. You can still download videos from private Telegram channels with the right tools or methods. Whether you’re on your smartphone or computer, here are five effective techniques to help you easily save images, GIFs, videos, and voice messages. Telegram Downloader Chrome Extension To download Telegram…
5 Free Spotify Playlist Downloader for Mac [MP3 or OGG]
Previously, I have shared a few Spotify Downloader apps for Windows. Here, I have picked 5 working Spotify playlist Downloader apps for Mac. You can use them to download Spotify playlist to MP3, OGG, or other formats. Spotify Playlist Downloader Shortcut The Shortcuts app for Mac is a powerful automation tool that enables you to…
5 Ways to Download Apple Podcasts to MP3 in 2024
Downloading Apple Podcasts to MP3 is not as hard as you might think. In fact, there are several methods you can use to achieve this goal. In this post, I will show you five ways to download Apple Podcasts offline listening. Method 1: Apple Podcast Downloader Shortcut for iPhone or Mac For iPhone or Mac…
10 Online Music Downloaders for Free [Lossless Music]
Buying music from iTunes, Amazon, or other digital stores can be really expensive. Luckily, some websites provide music downloads for free. In this post, I will show you 10 online music downloaders for free. One of the music downloaders that I am about to show you even offers you higher quality music than streaming services…
My 16 Favorite Tampermonkey Scripts [Updated in 2024]
Chrome extensions and Firefox add-ons are great to enhance an internet browser’s capabilities. Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey, available for both Chrome and Firefox, allow you to run custom user scripts that modify website behavior and appearance. Greasemonkey is only available for Firefox while Tampermonkey is both available on Firefox and Chrome. There are some features you…
5 Ways to Download YouTube Live Streaming [From the Beginning]
After a YouTube Livestream ends, the footage is uploaded by default to YouTube so that viewers may watch it again whenever they choose. In that case, you can use any YouTube Video Downloader to download YouTube Live Stream online or with other tools. However, the YouTuber may decide to delete the streaming video, so you…
TikTok Ripper – Download Videos and Slideshows without Watermark
Previously, I have shared a TikTok Ripper shortcut for iPhone and Mac to download videos from TikTok without watermark. Now, TikTok Ripper is available for Android and Windows. Keep reading to see how it works. TikTok Ripper Shortcut for iOS and macOS TikTok Ripper is a custom shortcut for Apple devices for downloading TikTok videos…
5 Ways to Download YouTube Videos on Chromebook – Easy and Free
Chromebooks can run Android and Linux apps, so there are many possibilities. In this post, I will show you five different methods to download YouTube videos on Chromebooks. You can also use some Chromebook YouTube downloaders to download videos from other sites. Online YouTube Downloader for Chromebook If you only occasionally need to download videos…
How to Use a Tablet or iPad as a Secondary Monitor: A Comprehensive Guide
Multiple Displays setup can enhance productivity. You don’t need to buy another monitor, since you can use a tablet or iPad as a secondary display for Windows and Mac. This solution is cost-effective and portable, providing a flexible way to boost productivity on the go. With this guide, you can use any device including iPad,…
3 Ways To Make Screenshots with iPhone Frame in 2024
With the latest iPhone models, taking a screenshot is as easy as pressing a couple of buttons. However, if you want to add extra flair to your screenshots, you can also take a screenshot with an iPhone frame. In this article, you will learn how to take a screenshot with an iPhone frame. You will…