Previously, I never thought I’d use Telegram since there are many chat apps out there. One day, a person I admire shared a Telegram group link, so I downloaded Telegram and joined the group in the hope to learn from him. It turned out that Telegram was much fun. I especially like the Telegram bots…
3 Ways to Read and Write NTFS for Mac (M1) in 2024 for Free
Mac natively only supports writing to USB flash drives and flash drives in FAT format. On Mac, you can read NTFS drives in Finder, but no way to write. In this post, I will show you 3 tools you can use to read and write the NTFS format drive for Mac. One is totally free…
3 Methods to Download Any Ebook for Free in 2024
In this post, I will show you 3 methods to download any ebook for free. You can free download ebooks in PDF, EPUB, Mobi, or azw, etc. If you can’t find a book after trying these methods, leave the book name in the comments and I will help you find it. Download Ebooks from Goodreads…
3 Ways to Extract Audio From Video on iPhone
You can easily extract audio from video on iPhone or iPad without downloading additional apps. In this post, I will show you 3 methods to convert any video to audio. If you want to extract audio from YouTube videos, you can refer to this post. Extract Audio from Video Shortcut The simplest way would be…
3 Ways to Run YouTube-DL on Android in 2024[GUI]
YouTube-DL is an open-source command line media downloader program that allows you to download videos or audio from 1000+ websites including YouTube, Udemy, SoundCloud, Facebook, etc. Previously, I have written a post about how to install YouTube-DL on Windows. In this post, I will show you 3 ways to run YouTube-DL or yt-dlp on Android….
Ultimate Streaming Video and Music Downloader – Allavsoft Review [Coupons]
When you find some extraordinary video audio, you may want to download it for offline viewing. However, most of the websites do not provide an offline feature or it is only available for paid users. Allavsoft is dedicated to solving this problem. It allows you to batch download videos, music files, and subtitles from YouTube,…
5 Ways to Save a Webinar Video Before It Expires
Due to scheduling conflicts or time zone differences, you may not be able to watch a webinar live to learn things. Fortunately, you may watch the webinar replay you signed up in a limited time. In this article, I will show you 5 methods to download webinar replays before they expire, so you can watch…
Top 10 Free Spotify Alternatives without Ads[Offline Music]
While Spotify offers a vast library of songs and features, it may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Whether you want to try out a different streaming service or enjoy music offline for free, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 free Spotify alternatives and 4 Spotify Premium replacements. Apps…
5 Ways to ByPass YouTube Age Restriction in 2024
According to YouTube Community Guidelines, Age-restricted YouTube videos are not viewable to users who are under 18 years old or signed out. Lots of people watch YouTube videos without logging in or they don’t even have a YouTube account. If that’s your case, you can read on to bypass YouTube age-restricted videos in 5 different…
5 Free Ways to Download YouTube to MP3 on iPhone
I love listening to music on YouTube because it always recommends tracks that I love. To listen to music offline on the go, I decided to download YouTube to MP3 on iPhone. Here, I will show you 5 different ways to do it. The good thing is that you don’t need to download third-party apps…