If you have a Napster subscription and want to download music from Napster without DRM protection, you have come to the right place. In this article, you will learn how to save music from Napster as MP3 or FLAC. Then you can listen to music on my iPod Classic or any other music player device.
You will need a Napster Paid subscription to download anything.
Don’t distribute or pirate music.
It may be illegal to use these music downloader tools in your country, so be informed.
Download Napster Music on iPhone or Mac
Chrunos Multi Downloader is a custom shortcut for iOS and macOS that lets you download music from Napster. In addition, it supports downloading music from platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Tidal, and Deezer.
Once you have the shortcut, you can share a Naspster song and select Chrunos Multi Downloader shortcut from share sheet. It will download the song as MP3 and save it to your Files app. Additionally, you can also copy a Naspter song link and run the shortcut to download a song.
Chrunos Multi Downlaoder shortcut supports music platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Tidal, and Deezer. What’s more, it also allows you to download videos from YouTube, Instagram, TikTok (without watermark), etc.
Napster Downloader – Open Source
Napster-Downloader is an open source tool that allows you to download music from Napster. It is available for Windows, macOS, Android, and Linux. You can run the program in your terminal or command prompt.
It will download the music files to your computer with metadata and cover art embedded. You can play them with any music player that supports the format that you choose.
Here are the steps to use the program:
Step 1. Download the program from the GitHub release page. Also, download the GitHub repository.
Step 2. Make sure the config.json file and the corresponding program for your system are in the same directory.
Step 3. You can input your username and password into the config.json file that is inside the folder. You can also configure other options in this file, such as the download format and cover art.
Step 4. Open a terminal or command prompt and in the folder where you downloaded it.
Step 5. If you are running Windows, run the command below to download Naspter tracks. Be sure to replace the Napster link.
np_dl_x64.exe https://web.napster.com/album/alb.60702691
For Mac users, refer to this command:
Np_dl_arm https://web.napster.com/album/alb.60702691
If you use Linux, refer to the command below:
chmod +x np_dl_linux_x64
./np_dl_linux_x64 https://web.napster.com/album/alb.60702691

After the program finishes downloading, you can find your music files in the current folder. For Android users, it is a little different to set up, and you may refer to this guide to use the Terminal app.
Use Chimera to Download Songs from Napster
Chimera is a multiple source terminal-based music downloader with audio search engine (requires extra setup). It enables you to download music from Napster, Deezer, Tidal, SoundCloud, Qobuz, Google Play Music, and Spotify (from other sources).
Chimera enables you to download quality music (Hi-res) from a lot of music streaming services. It is literally downloaded from their service, except Spotify because Spotify music is DRM (digital rights management) protected. When you download Spotify music, you can choose the source from Deezer, Tidal, or Qobuz.
You will need a paid account to download music from Qobuz, Tidal, Napster. For Deezer, a free account is fine and no account needed for SoundCloud.
Chimera is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. However, there is no GUI version, so you need to set it up from the command line. If you prefer a GUI version, you can use Allavsoft to download music from multiple sources.
This tool is developed for educational use or personal use only, you are not supposed to use it for pirating or distributing music. It may be illegal to use such software for downloading music, so be informed.
How to Set It up
The process is a little bit different according to the system you are using. I will just take Windows as an example to show you step by step.
Step 1. Download Python from here and install it. Preferably, download the 64-bit version. When you install it, be sure to check the option “Add Python 3.8 to Path”. If you miss that, you need to add the path manually.
Step 2. Download the latest release of Chimera and extract it.
Step 3. Copy the Chimera folder to C: drive if it is not.
Step 4. Press Windows + R and type “CMD” to open a command prompt window. Then type ”cd [the path to Chimera folder]”.
Step 5. Type the following command and press Enter to install the required the requirements.:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 6. Type “main.py” to launch Chimera and it will open the Chimera Config page from your web browser where you can input all your accounts of music services that you want to download music from.
Step 7. It will open the Chimera Configuration page with your default web browser. From there, scroll down to the Napster section and enter your username and password. In the API token box, enter the following if you don’t know how to get your API Token:
Step 8. Change other settings if you want and save the changes.
After that, you can use it to download music from Napster.
How to Use Chimera to Download Music from Napster
After setup, it is quite convenient to download tracks, albums, or playlists from any service that is supported. You can refer to the steps below to download Napster music with Chimera.
Step 1. Open a command prompt. You can press Windows + R key and type “CMD ” (without quotes).
Step 2. Type “cd [the path you saved the chimera folder]” and press Enter.
Step 3. Run the command “python main.py”
Step 4. Type “napster” and then type “login”.
Step 5. After logged in, you can just type “grab track [track ID]” to download a track from Napster. If you want to download an album or playlist, just use “grab album [ID]” or “grab playlist [ID]”.
If you want to download from Spotify, just type Spotify. When using Spotify for the first time, it will generate Spotify access token, so you need to type the command again to download Spotify music.
That’s how you can download songs from Napster to MP3 or FLAC to your computer. If you prefer mobile phones, you should also Telegram bots for downloading music. With these music bots, you can enjoy offline music on your Android or iPhone.
Chimera doesn’t exist anymore..
MD Shahrukh Qureshi:
Check my YouTube Channel. I have made video guide.
What About Tidal, Napster, Qobuz Login in Chimera Android? Please make a proper guide.
Can u give us a new API Token? The token in the article doesn’t work anymore