In this post, I will show you my WebP Converter shortcuts for iOS and macOS. You can use them to convert your images to WebP format or back. All of them support bulk conversion. The best part, you can convert images to WebP locally without internet connection.

WebP Converter Shortcut

A lot of times, I need to convert images to WebP format to save space, so I made a shortcut for that. This shortcut works for both macOS and iOS. It can convert PNG, JPG, and JPEG images to WebP format. If you input WebP images, it will convert them to JPG. 

On your iPhone or iPad, you can tap the Share button of an image or multiple images and then select the WebP Converter Shortcut. Alternatively, you can open the Shortcuts app and tap to run the shortcut. Then it will prompt you to select one or multiple images from your Photo Library for the conversion. 

I have set the shortcut to be available in Quick Actions on Mac. You can also pin the shortcut in Menu Bar on your Mac. In Findder app on your Mac, you can right-click on any images and select the WebP Converter Shortcut from Quick Actions. 

What’s more, you can watch the video above to learn how I made the shortcut step by step. Of course, you can modify the shortcut to do whatever you want. 

To WebP for Mac [Working Offline]

The WebP Converter shortcut uses a third-party service to convert images to WebP format. If you want to run the shortcut offline, I have made another shortcut for Mac to convert images to WebP with FFm​peg. 

You can select one or more images from the Finder to run this shortcut. What’s more, you can select a folder, then this shortcut will convert all the images in the folder to WebP format. Since it requres FFmpeg for the conversion, you need to install FFmpeg on your Mac first for this to work. 

Once you have installed FFmpeg on your Mac, you can follow the steps below to convert images to WebP format offline.

Step 1. Get this To WebP shortcut here. By default, it is enabled in Quick Actions. If needed, you can also pin it to the Menu Bar.

Step 2. Select one or more images and right-click on them. You can select multiple images by holding the Command key. If you want to convert all the images in a folder, you can also right-click on that folder.

Step 3. Select Quick Actions and then select the To WebP shortcut from the drop-down menu.

Almost instantly, your select images will be converted to WebP. It will save the converted images in the Downloads folder wherever you select the images. 

If you want to change the destination folder, you can open the shortcut and locate the Save File action to change it. When you select a folder, the WebP images will be saved in the same folder by default. 

File Converter – Multiple Formats

The Shortcuts app contains an Image Converter action for convert HEIC to JPG and more. However, the supported formats are limited. If you want to convert more formats that are not limited to image formats, I have also made such a shortcut called File Converter. 

File Converter Shortcut

This one requires a third-party API key. I have included mine in the shortcut. It may run out of quotas if too many people use it. In that case, you can follow the commments in the shortcut to generate your own API key. 

When you run the shortcut, it will give you 3 options: WebP, EPUB, and Manual Input. For example, if you want to convert files to PDF, you can select Manual Input and then type “pdf” in small case. 

You can add more options for your convenience. I have made a video guide to show you how to use and customize it. 

Need Help or Customization

I will continue to maintain all these shortcuts and provide you with free support. If you have any questions, be sure to contact us. Telegram is the preferable way to contact me. 

If you need customization, you can leave a comment down below. Our team will update the shortcut in a new release accordingly. If you need customization now, you can join our premium membership. 


You can use any of these 3 shortcuts to convert images to WebP and vice versa. If you are interested in more shortcuts, be sure to check all of our shortcuts collection. We will continue to release more useful shortcuts and share more guides. Save our website in your bookmarks for more content.

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